Pasquetta: Easter Mondays are DELICIOSO in Italy

Pasquetta: Easter Mondays are DELICIOSO in Italy

Easter Monday in Italy is also known as Pasquetta (little Easter) — and it is one of our favorite international foodie holidays. Whether you decide to stay in or dine out, this day is destined to be a tasty one, aka ‘delicioso’, and typically also a very relaxed affair.

Salumi, Prosciutto + Formaggio (Salami, Ham and Cheese), paired with freshly baked bread, make a perfect Easter Monday lunch! Porchetta is the icing on the cake!

The formal name for Easter Monday in Italy is actually Lunedì dell’Angelo (Monday of the Angel) and is also what most Italians continue to call it today.

The historical and religious significance of today is meant to remember the women of the sepulcher, including Mary Magdalene, who were comforted by an angel when they returned to Jesus’ tomb and found it empty. 

Up until the 19th century, the entire week after Easter was a time to relax, but times have changed. Now, typically only the following Monday remains as a holiday. Much like the day after Thanksgiving, it becomes the ideal time to indulge in all of those delectable leftovers.

Pasquetta is THE Italian day for a picnic with family and friends!

On Easter Monday, many Italians are found either meandering up into the mountains, cruising over to the beach, setting up camp in the countryside or even just a nice parking lot. They are usually prepared with pre-packed lunches or bring along their portable grills. The traditional fare includes frittatas or hard boiled eggs and an assortment of grilled meats. Depending on the region, local restaurants specialize in convenient Pasquetta picnics to go — or you are invited to eat these traditional foods on site. Caprese salad, ideally with fresh buffalo mozzarella (Mozzarella di Bufala) and vine-ripened tomatoes is another must-have, especially in the areas south of Rome.

In accordance, when our travelers are in Italy on Easter Monday, we encourage them to celebrate as the locals do and plan something memorable for this special day: be it a picnic in a vineyard, a salumi + formaggio lunch at an agriturismo (local Italian farm) or freshly made caprese by the seaside. 

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